
about: olivia jules de marco. oli. she/her. choi yujin fc. lee luda fc. august 12. the unfortunate musician au. intp-a. artist and musician.

likes: classical music. arts. anime. books. rabbits. frogs. green tea. russian ballet. green. flowers. bread.

dislikes: dds. noise. crowds. noisy and over energetic kids. sunny weather.

lovelist: amelia. elle. ezekiel. eos. kahel. jayden. pain. sami. varus. xanthe. de marcz. mdtg. yso. blair. aezhia. giua. 21h.

byf: mun is a minor. slight profanities. put tw/cw for jumpscares, flashes, and rats. educate me on dms if i did something problematic. uses "%." for ooc tweets or when writer is speaking. filo and eng.

dni/dnfi: fits basic dnfi criteria (homophobic, racist, etc.). not an rpa. uncomfy with ua ooc.

disclaimer: due to twitter's new policy, i would like to clarify that i am not affiliated with my face claims in any way. contents that will be used are for roleplaying and entertainment purposes only.

the unfortunate musician.

backstory under construction.
